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By Agrima Sharma Marketing Specialist
Published On: September 19, 2023

How to Build an MVP and Secure Funding in 2023

Software Development
How to Build an MVP

In the fast-paced world of startups and tech entrepreneurship, building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has become a crucial step in securing investor funding. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, understanding the concept of an MVP and its significance in attracting investors can make or break your venture. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what an MVP is, its top benefits for attracting investors, and the various types of MVPs you can consider for your project in 2023.

What is the minimum viable product?

A Minimum Viable Product, often referred to as an MVP, is a development strategy used by startups and businesses to create a basic version of their product with just enough features that satisfies early adopters and gathers valuable feedback. The primary goal of an MVP is to validate the product concept, test assumptions, and reduce the risk of building a full-scale product that may not meet the market's needs.

The meaning of minimum viable product is encapsulated in this approach, emphasizing the importance of delivering the smallest, yet functional, version of a product to kickstart the development process and gather critical insights from real users.

Key Characteristics of an MVP:

1. Core Features

An MVP focuses on implementing only the core features essential for solving a specific problem or addressing a need.

2. Quick Development

Speed is crucial when developing an MVP. The goal is to get a functional product to market as quickly as possible.

3. User Feedback

Collecting feedback from early users is a fundamental part of the MVP process. This feedback helps iterate and improve the product.

4. Cost-Efficient

By avoiding unnecessary features and complexities, MVP development can be cost-effective.

Key Characteristics of an MVP

Top 5 Benefits Of Building An MVP For Investor Funding

1. Demonstrates Market Demand

Investors are more likely to invest in a project when they see evidence of market demand. An MVP allows you to test your idea in the real world and gather data on user engagement and interest. Positive metrics and user feedback can be powerful tools to convince investors of your product's potential.

2. Reduces Investment Risk

Developing a full-scale product without validation can be a risky endeavor. Investors understand this risk and are often hesitant to fund unproven concepts. By building an MVP, you mitigate this risk by showing investors that you've taken steps to validate your idea before seeking substantial funding.

3. Iterative Improvement

MVP development encourages a culture of continuous improvement. As you gather feedback and insights from early users, you can make informed decisions about how to enhance and expand your product. This iterative process demonstrates your commitment to creating a successful, investor-worthy product.

4. Attracts Early Adopters

Early adopters are users who are willing to try new products and technologies. Launching an MVP allows you to target this group and build a user base from the outset. Investors often look for startups that have already gained traction with early adopters, making your project more appealing.

5. Efficient Resource Allocation

Investors appreciate startups that are efficient with their resources. Developing a full-featured product can consume a significant amount of time and capital. An MVP, on the other hand, allows you to allocate resources wisely, focusing on what matters most at each stage of development.

Real-Life Examples of Renowned Companies That Started With MVPs

The MVP approach allows startups to conserve resources, test their ideas, and make necessary improvements before fully investing in development. Here are some real-world minimum viable product examples that have successfully started their journey with MVPs, showcasing how this strategy can lead to remarkable success:

1. Airbnb

Airbnb MVP Case Study

One of the most iconic examples of a company that started with an MVP is Airbnb. In 2007, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia rented out air mattresses in their San Francisco apartment during a design conference, providing guests with a place to stay when hotels were fully booked. They built a simple website called "Air Bed & Breakfast" to promote their idea. Their MVP consisted of a basic platform with a few listings and photos.

The MVP allowed them to test their concept and gather valuable feedback from their initial guests. This feedback helped them refine their platform and add features based on user needs. Today, Airbnb is a global platform with millions of listings worldwide, offering diverse accommodations from apartments to castles.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox MVP Case Study

Dropbox, the popular cloud-based file storage service, also started as an MVP. Drew Houston, the company's co-founder, was frustrated with the difficulty of accessing his files from different locations. In 2007, he created a simple MVP that allowed users to store and sync files in the cloud.

Houston released a video showcasing the MVP's functionality, which went viral and attracted thousands of sign-ups. This validated the demand for such a service and enabled him to secure funding to develop the product further. Dropbox is now a household name in the world of cloud storage, serving millions of users globally.

3. Instagram

Instagram MVP Case Study

Instagram, the photo-sharing giant, began as an MVP focused on a simple idea: sharing photos with friends. Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger developed an app called Burbn in 2010. It combined elements of location-based social networking with photo sharing. However, they soon realized that the photo-sharing feature was the most popular among users.

Taking this feedback to heart, they pivoted and stripped down Burbn to create a standalone photo-sharing app, Instagram. Instagram's MVP was released in 2010, and it gained one million users in just two months. Today, Instagram boasts over a billion monthly active users and has become a key platform for social media marketing and personal expression.

Effective Strategies for MVP Feature Prioritization

Prioritizing features for your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a critical step in product development. It ensures that you deliver a version of your product that meets essential requirements while staying within resource constraints.

1. MoSCoW Matrix

The MoSCoW Matrix is a widely recognized method for MVP feature prioritization. It segments features into four distinct categories:

- Must-Have: These are the indispensable features crucial for your MVP's success.
- Should-Have: Important features that add value but are not mission-critical.
- Could-Have: Desirable features, but not essential for the initial MVP.
- Won't-Have: Features that are outside the current scope.

2. Feature Buckets

Feature buckets involve grouping features based on their relevance and priority. This streamlined approach simplifies the prioritization process, making it easier to manage and execute.

3. User Story Mapping

User story mapping entails creating a visual representation of user journeys. Prioritize features based on their alignment with these journeys to ensure your MVP delivers a user-centric experience.

Effective MVP feature prioritization can make or break the success of your product. By employing these proven techniques, you can navigate the complexity of feature selection, ensuring that your MVP aligns with your vision and resonates with your target audience. Start prioritizing wisely and set the foundation for a successful product launch.

How to Build an MVP?

Now let’s walk you through the essential steps to build an successful MVP, from ideation to launch.

1. Ideation and Conceptualization

The MVP journey begins with a solid idea. Identify a problem in the market and brainstorm a solution. Ensure your idea is unique, addresses a genuine need, and has the potential to generate interest among your target audience.

2. Market Research

Comprehensive market research is crucial before building an MVP. Analyze your target audience, competitors, and industry trends and understand your potential customers' pain points and preferences. This research will guide you in refining your MVP's features and positioning.

3. Define Your MVP's Core Features

One of the biggest challenges in building an MVP is prioritizing features. Start by identifying the core features that are essential to solving the problem at hand. These features should be the bare minimum required for your product to be functional and valuable.

4. Develop a Prototype

A prototype helps visualize your MVP's functionality and design. It doesn't need to be a fully functional product but should serve as a tangible representation. This stage is essential for communication with your team, investors, and potential users.

5. Build an MVP

Once you have a clear vision and prototype, start developing your MVP. It's crucial to keep the development process lean and focused on the core features. Use agile development methodologies to iterate quickly and make improvements based on feedback.

6. Test and Gather Feedback

Launch your MVP to a select group of early adopters or beta testers. Encourage them to provide feedback on their experience. This feedback loop is invaluable for refining your product and addressing any issues or shortcomings.

7. Iterate and Refine

Based on the feedback received, iterate on your MVP. Continuously refine and improve it. Be prepared to make tough decisions, including removing features that don't add significant value or altering your product's direction based on user insights.

8. Launch and Market

Once you are confident in your MVP's functionality and user satisfaction, it's time to launch it to a wider audience. Develop a marketing strategy to reach your target audience and create buzz around your product.

The cost of developing an MVP can vary significantly based on various factors such as complexity, features, and the technology stack. On average, the cost of developing an MVP can range from $10,000 to $100,000 or more, depending on these factors. It's essential to strike a balance between building a functional MVP and managing costs.

How To Find Investors To Raise Funding For Your MVP?

When embarking on a project as an entrepreneur, one of the foremost considerations is securing funding. If you have developed a minimum viable product (MVP) and are now seeking potential investors, steps that can enhance your prospects of securing MVP funding for your entrepreneurial venture:

1. Investors Research

Securing funding for innovative products or services, even with a brilliant concept, can be challenging. To enhance your odds of success, conduct comprehensive research on potential investors. This entails understanding their history of MVP investments and aligning your product with their objectives. Demonstrating that your product aligns with their interests increases the likelihood of securing MVP funding. Additionally, during economic downturns, recognizing potential investors' needs is crucial, as they tend to be more cautious and risk-averse during such times.

2. Emphasize Future Potential

When presenting your product to potential investors, concentrate on its future potential rather than dwelling on past achievements. Highlight the product's growth prospects and its capacity to evolve over time. For instance, if you're pitching a new social media app, emphasize the platform's potential user base and how it fosters connections among users. The key here is to persuade investors that your product is poised for future success, assuring them that their investment will yield returns.

3. Craft a Compelling Pitch

Once you've compiled a list of potential investors, craft a persuasive pitch tailored to resonate with them. Focus on the most compelling aspects of your product that are likely to appeal to investors and underscore the achievable return on their MVP investment. For example, if your product is a food delivery app similar to KFC, spotlight the surging trends in online ordering and deliveries. Additionally, highlight the potential for repeat customers and their loyalty to businesses offering convenient delivery options. This strategic approach instills confidence in investors regarding your capability to successfully launch the product and secure funding for your mobile application.

4. Prepare for Inquiries

While pitching your MVP to potential investors, anticipate a barrage of questions they might pose. It's essential to respond candidly to queries about the inherent risks and challenges associated with your product. For instance, if you're presenting a new food delivery app akin to Pizza Hut, be ready to address questions regarding competitive dynamics, potential customer attrition, and the scalability of your business model. By maintaining transparency and addressing risks, you position yourself better to secure MVP funding.

5. Optimize Your Financial Position

Before approaching potential investors, optimize your financial standing. This involves gaining a clear understanding of your burn rate and ensuring you have sufficient cash reserves to sustain your business in case funding isn't immediately secured. Additionally, articulate a clear plan outlining how you intend to allocate the funds. This financial prudence instills confidence in investors, assuring them of your capability to effectively launch and grow your business.

Choosing the right funding partner depends on your startup's stage, goals, and the level of involvement you want from investors. The top three common types of funding partners for an MVP are Equity Investors, Strategic Partnerships, and Crowdfunding Backers.

Should You Outsource the Creation of Your MVP?

Outsourcing MVP development can prove to be a cost-effective and efficient option, especially when you lack the required technical expertise in-house. Experienced outsourcing partners can accelerate the development process since they typically have a team of skilled developers, designers, and project managers who specialize in building MVPs.

Established outsourcing companies have a track record of successfully delivering projects, reducing the risk of development setbacks. Having a reliable partner can make all the difference. Drabito Technologies is a leading tech company assisting multiple startups worldwide in building successful MVPs.

We have a team of highly skilled developers, designers, and project managers with years of experience in MVP development. Furthermore, we tailor the services to meet your specific MVP requirements, ensuring that your vision is brought to life.


MVP is not the end but the beginning of a product's journey, with continuous iteration and improvement being the keys to long-term success in the competitive business landscape.

While the cost can vary, careful planning and consideration of funding options can help you navigate the financial aspects. Whether you choose to seek investors, bootstrap, or use a combination of methods, the key is to demonstrate the potential of your MVP and its value in the market.

Outsourcing MVP development to a reputable partner can streamline the process and increase your chances of success. Ultimately, the journey to MVP development is an exciting and challenging one, but with the right strategy and support, you can bring your innovative ideas to life and set your startup on the path to success.

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