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By Gaurav Yadav Software Developer
Published On: January 31, 2024

Understanding 'this' Keyword in JavaScript: Chocolate Factory Story

Software Development
Global Scope: Outside the Factory

Imagine a chocolate factory with different rooms. Each room represents a different context in JavaScript. The “this” keyword is like a magic phrase that changes its meaning based on which room you're in.

Let's go ahead and explore more about it! ;)

Global Scope: Outside the Factory

When standing outside the factory, saying "this chocolate" means referring to the factory's entire chocolate collection. In JavaScript, when you're not inside any function, this refers to the global object, like everything in the factory yard.

Global Scope: Outside the Factory

Function Context: Inside a Specific Room

Now, step into a room, say, the Mixing Room. Here, "this chocolate" means the chocolate being mixed right there. In a regular JavaScript function, this refers to what's immediately surrounding it, but it can be tricky - sometimes it might still refer to the whole factory if the function isn’t tied to a specific room.

Function Context: Inside a Specific Room

Object Methods: The Special Rooms

In the Packaging Room, which is part of a bigger Packaging Department, when workers (methods) say "this chocolate," they specifically mean the chocolate in the Packaging Room. In JavaScript, inside an object method, this refers to the object to which the method belongs.

Object Methods: The Special Rooms

Constructor Functions: Creating New Workers

In a room where new workers are trained, when the instructor says "This is your tool," 'this' refers to the tools each new worker will use. Similarly, in JavaScript constructor functions, this refers to the new object being created.

Constructor Functions: Creating New Workers

Arrow Functions: The Walkie-Talkie

If you have a walkie-talkie, wherever you go, "this room" always refers to the room where you first picked up the walkie-talkie. Arrow functions in JavaScript don’t create their own this - they take it from where they were first defined.

Arrow Functions: The Walkie-Talkie

Event Handlers: Operating Machines

When working with a machine, and it says "Press this to start," 'this' refers to the machine itself. In JavaScript, this in an event handler usually refers to the element that received the event.

Event Handlers: Operating Machines


Just as understanding your location and context in the chocolate factory helps you use "this chocolate" correctly, comprehending execution context in JavaScript is paramount for effective use of this keyword. It might feel a bit challenging initially, akin to finding your way in a big factory, but with practice, you'll undoubtedly get the hang of it. Happy coding!

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